Fellowship through service


    In a few words

    We are the Rotaract Club of Versailles

    The Rotaract Club of Versailles is a service organization sponsored by the Rotary Club of Versailles. It belongs to the District 1660 and has been founded in June 2012 by Julia Le Fol, Antoine Harmand, Clément Souyri et Thibaut Mathieu.

    How to join us?

      Send us an email by visiting our “Contact” page from the main menu. Our Board of Members will answer soon.

  • Présidents

    Thibaut Mathieu


    « Cultivate our garden » (2013-2014)

    Born on 6th June 1986, Thibaut is a founding member and has been the first President of our Club for the 2013-2014 year. He has given a vigorous boost and made it as the first French Rotaract Club from the first year. His charisma and his high sense of general interest made our Club count in a national and international level, from the beginning. Lawyer by training, Thibaut is attending the Versailles bar. Passionate about fundamental rights and freedom but also the business, he specialized in Criminal and Business Law. In order to complete his French academic career, Thibaut has decided to continue his studies abroad in Switzerland where he is getting a PhD. His well-known oral skills have led him to become the Rotary Representative at the United Nations in New-York.

  • Présidents

    Clément Souyri


    « To give is to get » (2014-2015)

    Born on 13th May 1991, Clement is a founder member and has been the 2nd President of our Club for the year 2014-2015 after being its Vice-President under Thibaut MATHIEU’s presidency. Lawyer by training and interested in legal security of trade relations, he has decided to specialize in Business Law. As such he has worked on contractual relations and capital operations. To complement his French formation, Clement has decided to enhance his experience by going to the United States in order to promote an international dimension to his expertise. Always loyal, he belongs to the heart of the Club leaded by his passionate conviction and determination. His altruism and thoroughness have been very precious to challenge the Club and to strengthen its influence and stability as well.

  • présidents

    Francois-Xavier pernet


    « Roots and wings » (2015-2016)

    Born on 27th April 1987, Francois-Xavier is the 3rd President of our Club for the year 2015/2016. Computer specialist by training, Francois-Xavier is network administrator for a French multinational. Always interested in computer science, he has made his hobby his profession and is now recognized by his peers. He has always served the Club by his leadership and friendliness. His social skills and its long time Rotarian experience made him the natural successor to Clement. Always listening and ready to help, Francois-Xavier has found the time to improve his work-life balance. Indeed, President PERNET is a great sportsman, several times apnea champion.

  • présidents

    Antoine HARMAND

    Antoine HARMAND

    « Seed the future » (2016-2017)

    Born on 17th November 1992, Antoine has become the 4th President of our Club on 1st July 2016. Lawyer by training, Antoine is attending the Versailles bar. Public law and global economy passionate, he naturally specialized in Business public law.

    His good listening and responsibility skills make him a one of the main engines of the Club. Indeed Antoine is a founder member, he also has been its first Treasurer and then its Vice-President under Clement Souyri’s presidency. Thanks to his natural leadership, through the years Antoine has learnt to use his Rotarian experience to serve the Club at his best.

  • présidents

    Anaïs COLIN

    Anaïs COLIN

    « Cultiver l’avenir » (2016-2017)

    Née le 17 janvier 1989, Anaïs est le président 2017/2018 du Rotaract club de Versailles devenant ainsi par la même occasion la première femme présidente de notre club. Ostéopathe dans un grand centre médical à coté de Versailles, son empathie et sa bienveillance la pousse à se spécialiser au fil du temps dans la prise en charge des femmes enceintes et des nourrissons.

    Toujours attentive aux besoins des autres, Anaïs a ainsi occupé le poste de Protocole au sein de notre club de 2015 à 2017. Investie, méticuleuse et dévouée, elle répond toujours avec efficacité et rigueur aux sollicitations de son club et de ses membres, devenant ainsi rapidement un membre incontournable du Rotaract Club de Versailles. Le 1er juillet 2017, c’est donc avec détermination qu’Anaïs relève le défi de la présidence afin de renforcer le dynamisme du club et d’assurer sa pérennité.


    What we do



    Potalib’ is a social project based on a sharing food system. Born in England as the “Incredible Edible” the idea of this action is to provide to anyone the ability to grow one’s own vegetable food through shared gardens in the city. Thus we provided mobile tubs of one cubic meter of soil which the neighborhood inhabitants could cultivate and replant. Thanks to a wide media support, it has made a positive impact on many people way to eat, contributing to the promotion of greater food diversity.

    UNICEF’s Christmas

    Every year, the Rotaract Club of Versailles organizes a lottery for a specific UNICEF program. Every year we collect several thousand of euros for children vaccination, their education... All the prizes come from our local famous cultural partners.

  • Rotaract

    District 1660


    Rotaract is a service, leadership and community service organization of young men and women between the ages 18–30 over 9,539 clubs spread around the world and 219,397 members. Rotaract focuses on the development of young adults as leaders in their communities and workplaces. Clubs around the world also take part in international service projects, in a global effort to bring peace and international understanding to the world. The purpose of Rotaract is to provide an opportunity for young men and women to enhance knowledge and skills that will assist them in personal development, to address the physical and social needs of their communities, and to promote better relations between all people worldwide through a framework of friendship and service.

    DISTRICT 1660

    We call “District” an administrative Rotary’s area. The purpose of the District is to back and help clubs in the area to take the projects forward. The District 1660 comprises Paris and its western suburb. It covers 64 clubs for about 2.100 members.

  • Official


    Our photo gallery

  • Structure


    The committees of the Rotaract Club of Versailles

    We chose to organize our club in several committees which include the major missions of the Rotaract.

  • Internal


    Internal Committee

    This Committee is about internal organization and communication. It leads projects on exercise, culture and many diverse fields in order to encourage our member minds opening. Thus this Committee has set up scuba diving, a relativity theory conference, parliament visits, museums… It aims to offer various activities to strengthen links between our members.

  • International


    International Committee

    As the Rotary is an international network of men of women united, this global dimension had to appear in every action we take. This Commission aims to ensure closer ties with foreign Clubs to find new paths and encourage projects development anywhere in the world. This Committee is also responsible for international partnerships.

  • National


    National Committee

    Although Rotary is a global network, it is also a local network at first. At the District and country level, this Committee is gathering our ambassadors and organizes meetings and common actions between our Club and the rest of the Rotary community. This Committee is responsible for our local and national actions development.

  • Business


    Business Committee

    This Committee gathers our working and studying members who wish to organize business events. It can be meeting with local businessmen, company visits, or any event aiming our Club business network development. This committee is also responsible of the business partnerships.

  • Executive


    Executive Board

    Composed of the President elected by the Club members, a vice-president, a treasurer, a secretary and a protocol director, the Executive Board is the main organ of the Club. It shall have official authority over Club’s representation and orientation.

  • Board

    of Members

    Board of Members

    Composed of five members, the Board of Members is responsible of the recruitment. After applying to visit the Club, and actively participating in its life and actions, the candidate may be suggested by the Board of Members to belong to the Club as a member. The Board of Members also cares to harmony in Club members.

  • Sponsors

    They are trusting us

  • E-Mail


    Contact Form

    Formulaire envoyé ! Nous ne manquerons pas de vous recontacter, merci !

    Find Us

    Rotaract Club de Versailles
    9, rue Sainte Geneviève
    78000 VERSAILLES

    E-mail: contact@rac-versailles.fr



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    Association du Rotaract Club de Versailles - 9 Rue Sainte-Geneviève, 78000 Versailles - contact@rac-versailles.fr

    Registrar et hébergement

    OVH - www.ovh.com / Création-Administration - Guillaume RIBE


    Qui sommes-nous


    Un devoir envers autrui

    Comme tant d'autres, notre club doit ses premières heures à une poignée de jeunes gens volontaires et animés de la volonté d’accompagner autrui dans sa quête sans cesse renouvelée d’actualisation, ayant pour finalité le mieux vivre ensemble.

    Nous en sommes convaincus, le XXIème siècle est ce moment où tout changera nécessairement et il faudra plus que jamais que concorde prédomine pour que nous parvenions à relever les défis de ces nouveaux temps.

    L’objet de notre action est ainsi naturellement de servir nos contemporains à travers diverses initiatives, actions et projets sans s’arrêter aux barrières ethniques, sociales, générationnelles ou encore géographiques que nous nous imposons par craintes.




    Un devoir d'Excellence

    le Rotaract Club de Versailles comprend des étudiants et jeunes actifs issus de tous milieux et désireux de travailler ensemble. Ce brassage souhaité de cultures et compétences illustre l’esprit de cohésion fraternelle auquel nous aspirons.

    Si notre club est apolitique, il n'en reste pas moins citoyen et a pour vocation de prendre la place qu'il se voit tenir auprès des instances dirigentes auquelles il est soumis.

    Si notre devoir est l’Excellence, c’est que partager, instiguer, offrir de son temps selon ses propres moyens et attributs au sein d’une même communauté est loin d’être chose aisée.

    L’Excellence non pas pour tous, mais pour chacun. Car il n’est rien de plus ardu que d’exceller à être soi-même.


    Nos Valeurs


    Notre valeurs

    Au-delà de « L’amitié par le service », devise fondatrice du ROTARACT dans son ensemble, nous marchons derrière notre bannière propre et souhaitons empreindre de notre nuance l’Héritage de notre civilisation.

    Nous croyons avec convictions que l’identité d’un Etre ne peut uniquement se laisser définir par un langage conçu par ses pairs. De la même manière, pour que le mot Société ait encore un sens, alors qu’elle s’individualise de jour en jour, il nous apparait nécessaire de revenir, justement, à l’individu pour lui redonner goût au vivre ensemble et accès à ses semblables.

    C’est fort de ces certitudes que notre club a acquis une expérience certaine et transversale des différents outils de communication auxquels chacun peut être réceptif. Nous ambitionnons de faire rayonner ce savoir-faire partout où il sera requis.